Do You Judge & Compare?

The worse punishment you can inflict upon yourself is to compare yourself with others. Everyone is unique in his own ways. There are no two individuals who are exactly the same, just as there are no two insurance policies that are 100% carbon copy of one another. Quoting the guy from Liberty Mutual, we have hundreds of variables and we assign a beta factor to each variable, each beta factor can range from 0 to 1. Now, tell me then, how can two insurance policies be alike?

When you are driving a Kancil, you feel depressed when you compare yourself to your boss who is driving a Mercedes, only to find out later that your boss is equally depressed because he compares himself to his bigger boss who drives a Ferrari...

From a very young age, we are conditioned to think that certain jobs are good and certain jobs are bad or undesirable. We measure a person's success by the size of his wallet. And we like to judge, we judge people all the time....

But in reality, if we observe things as they are, we can see that human construct is all an illusion. Is being an actuary better than being a janitor? Certainly not, regardless of whether you are a number crunching actuary or a lavatory cleaning janitor, you are doing what you are good at. You excel at what you do. You excel at your profession. So, don't judge!!

Measuring a person's success by the wallet is another huge fallacy because wealth is a variable of income and expenditure. Suppose that you spend only $2000 a month and that is your max and you have no further desire to spend more than that, does it matter if you earn $10000, $100000 or even $1000000000?? From the unconditioned point of view, that individual is already well off but if we were to view it from the judgmental perspective or if we were to compare ourselves with others, we will never be happy....

Every individual's worth, V = bA + bB + bC +....+ bZ. There are so many variables to consider...thus, is it right to say that V1 is better than V2? Certainly not, just as there won't be one insurance policy that fits everyone...

So, why torture yourself? Stop judging and stop comparing....

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